The third sequel of Movie Kabaddi Kabaddi is out today and this movie is getting mixed response form its fans. 'Kabaddi' movie is not only a movie but it is also a brand now. Like other nepali movie sequel Kabbadi 3 won't dissapoint its fans.Upasana Singh Thakuri, Wilson Bikram Rai, & Karma are new faces in Kabbadi and they gave a promising performance in movie.
According to OSR Digital the gross collection in opening day is 1.47 Crore .Kabaddi 3 also focuses on same storyline like previous movies. In first phase Dayahang as Kaji is still remembering his former love muiya.But entry of Upasana changes everything slowly and with unexpected ending as everyone were waiting for the happy end. Somehow this movie is entertaining and worthwatching.With reference to this movie we can predict that kabaddi could still make another final sequel as Kaji is still left empty handed. Most of the movie hall went houseful in its opening day and is expected to continue same craze for few days.
I personally Rate this movie 3/5 as there are few limitations & weakness.